Traditional taping means that there is a tape on the bottom, however it adds uneccessary friction to the bottom of blade and slows it down when gliding on ice resulting in slower blade movements especially in not ideal conditions on ice. Why Would anyone deliberately slow down their blade?
During the game, the tape gets wet, covered in ice & snow and its grip on the puck diminishes dramatically. Rezztek® offers more grip on the puck than any tapejob, water resistent, and repellent, Rezztek® stays the same throughout the game with no need to replace it every game.
Even though science directly points out to the facts why Rezztek® can give you an immense performance boost. After trying it for the first time there is hardly possibility to go back to regular tape as the feel of the stick and puck on the ice while stick-handling, passing, or shooting is incomparable to regular tape.
All Rezztek® and Rocketgrip® designs can be matched with each other! As always personalization for both of them is free of charge! Find your favourite design, mix&match and don't forget to add personalization!